Post-Exam Musings
Post-Exam Musings
Ok, I’ve been done for about a week now, and I’ve had some time for reflection.
I walked out of the exam room thinking that the exam wasn’t too bad. To be sure, there were about 3-5 questions per block that I just had no idea about. I ended up being very liberal with my ‘marking’ of questions; maybe about 10-15 per block. These were distilled down to the 3-5 WTF questions that I just tried to make an educated guess on. So what else can I say? Let’s see…
Timing: I think I did Kaplan Q-bank the wrong way. Most of the time, I would finish a random block of 50 in less than 30 minutes, and I hardly ever re-checked a marked question. I also ended up marking over 800 questions as either incorrect or interesting - ie: I got it wrong, or I learned something new, and would go back and read them later – clever, right? Wrong. By the time I had finished Kaplan, there was no time to go back to these. Well, I probably could have, if it were not for an overwhelming feeling of wanting to throw the computer out of the window. After doing 2100 questions, you tend to get a little bored, frustrated, and lots of other nice adjectives that I can’t seem to conjure at this moment. Here’s the punch-line: Don’t do the questions at the last minute. Also, keep your number of resources low, don’t buy too many books, because you’ll never get through them all anyways.