Thursday, December 08, 2005

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Ok. I'll admit it. I'm addicted to House. No, not a physical structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, or that once popular musical genre that the kids used to dig. I'm talking about the tv show House. It's a new medical drama from the USA about a doctor who hates seeing patients and employs a team of well manicured, youngish doctors to do his dirty work.

What sets House about from other medical dramas is that it's actually about medicine. They take on a new case every week, generally an unusual condition, and spend most of the episode trying to decipher the mystery illness.

My only beef is the many hats worn by the same characters. For example, how many times will you see the same doctor perform a lumbar puncture, ultrasound, run an ELISA, and then break into a patient's house to investigate what kind of shampoo they use, all in the same day? Anyways, it's good entertainment. And the fact that you actually feel a bit smarter at the end of the episode alleviates some of the guilt you feel after spending the hour not studying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it too! It's my "not-so-guilty" guilty pleasure for study breaks, as you actually do learn stuff sometimes. Besides, can't get enough of that dreamy Dr.Chase...

December 19, 2005 12:17 AM  

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